Navigating the Changing Tides: How California's Firearm Laws Impact Redstone Firearms

As responsible firearm owners and the founders of Redstone Firearms, we've always been dedicated to serving our community with a strong emphasis on safety, education, and responsible firearm ownership. Over the years, we've faced various challenges, but none quite as daunting as the evolving landscape of firearm legislation in California.

The Impact of California's Changing Firearm Laws:

California, known for its strict firearm regulations, has continued to introduce new laws aimed at enhancing safety and security. While these laws may be well-intentioned, they present real challenges to businesses like ours. Let's explore some of the recent changes that are raising concerns for Redstone Firearms.

1. Increased Regulatory Burden:

One of the challenges we face is the growing regulatory burden. As firearm laws become more complex, it's not only time-consuming but also costly to ensure compliance. Staying up to date with these evolving regulations has become a full-time endeavor. It's a path that requires substantial resources and can be overwhelming for a small, family-owned business like ours.

2. Limited Product Offerings:

California's stringent laws have led to restrictions on the types of firearms and accessories that can be offered to our customers. This means we can't always provide the products our customers are looking for, limiting our ability to meet their needs effectively.

3. Rising Operating Costs:

Compliance with California's firearm laws adds significant costs to our operation. These expenses include mandatory training, licensing, and secure storage requirements, all of which affect our pricing structure and profitability. In addition, recent updates regarding increased surveillance requirements, upcoming 20% tax hike on fierams and ammo , rising payroll taxes, and skyrocketing rents in our location, held hostage by leasing agents aware of our inability to move due to firearms moratoriums, have put further pressure on our ability to operate efficiently. Our insurance costs have also seen sharp increases.

4. Uncertain Future:

California's exploration of microstamping technology and discussions on liability insurance for firearm owners further cloud our future. As business owners, we are committed to navigating these changes, but the uncertainty they create is a significant challenge.

Community Engagement:

We believe in fostering a community of responsible firearm owners. Despite the challenges, we are determined to continue providing education and training for our Redstone Family. Our commitment remains undeterred, and we will adapt to meet the changing landscape of firearm ownership.

Looking Ahead:

While the future may seem uncertain, we remain steadfast in our mission to promote responsible firearm ownership. We're actively exploring innovative ways to adapt to these changes and continue providing valuable services to our community. However, the challenges we're facing have led us to consider the possibility of relocating our business outside of California. It's a decision that brings sadness, as we've always called this state our home, but the increasing obstacles make it a difficult choice to contemplate.

We're honored every day to provide employment opportunities for our minority staff members. Your support of Redstone Firearms extends beyond just the owners; it reaches our dedicated employees and their ability to care for their families and pursue their goals.

In these trying times, we humbly request your support. Whether it's a small gesture or a more substantial contribution, every little bit helps to keep us in the fight. Consider purchasing a Redstone shirt, patch, or sticker. Your support will not only keep us going but also send a powerful message about the importance of responsible firearm ownership and our shared commitment to the Second Amendment.

Jonathan & Geneva Solomon

Redstone Firearms Founders/Owners


The Long Road to CCW Permits in Los Angeles: A Redstone Firearms Perspective


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